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We are in Rome!


The pulse quickens, the temperature is perfect, sun (so far) and we began our week after dinner with an evening stroll through the Ghetto, to Piazza Mattei noting the poignant stolperstein commemorations of the Jewish victims of the Nazi occupation of Rome in 1943, and up to the Campidoglio, a political stage set designed (but never seen) by Michelangelo for a famous meeting between Pope Paul III the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.

Best bit was a gorgeous night time view of the Forum.

Nest day we set off across Ponte Sisto to Trastevere and up the Janiculum Hill (not one of the Seven Hills of Rome - but protected by the construction of the Aurelian Wall, constructed for the Emperor Aurelian in the 3rd century.

Right up at the top is the Fontanone (big fountain) built for the theatrical Borghese Pope Paul V...then down to the church of San Pietro in Montore where Sebastiano del Piombo painted an extraordinary concave Flagellation...then down to the Villa Chigi (now known as the Farnesena) with spectacular frescoes by Raphael, Sebastiano del Piombo and Sodoma

After lunch it was the stunning Santa Maria in Trastevere and (for me) a quick visit to the 10th century church and cloister of San Cosimata, which is now a hospital - after a spider bite got an unpleasant response!


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