I am still catching up, so I thought that I'd post a few more photos. It seems extraordinary that we are heading for our last fortnight here in Venice. We've been blessed with fantastic weather and a really great group of students. We have introduced a few new lecturers and they have been wonderful. The new hotel that we have called home for the past three weeks is absolutely brilliant; friendly, super-convenient for lectures and, most importantly, the centre of social action for the students, Campo Santa Margherita!
So here goes; Carlo Scarpa's fantastic Brion Mausoleum in Altivole, Villa Emo in Fanzolo, Villa Barbaro in Maser, The Doge's Palace, Giovanni's sublime 'Sacra Conversazione' altarpiece in San Zaccharia.
Over the next few days I am going to see if I can get some photographs from our students so that you can see what they are seeing, keep checking in!
