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A day in the Veneto, Villas Emo, Villa Barbaro and Carlo Scarpa's Brion Monument

As we headed into our final week of the Venice part of the course we took the opportunity to enjoy a stunning day out in the Veneto to see two of the most superb works by Andrea Palladio, quite possibly the most influential known architect of the Western world. Working in the mid to late sixteenth century, he revolutionised design, bringing the visual impact of the ancient world to both domestic and religious architecture.

Our first visit was at the Villa Emo in Fanzolo, a delightful farm building, decorated inside by the Veronese artist Zelotti.

We went up to Asolo for lunch and then on to Villa Barbaro at Maser, decorated by Paolo Veronese.

Our day ended in Altivole where we visited the Brion Mausoleum, designed by Carlo Scarpa.

A great day!


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