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The Course Register 1976

Bold Type indicates we believe to have an up-to-date postal address.* Asterisk indicates a son or daughter has also been on the Course.

Grant Baker, Oliver Balme, Charles Batten, Elizabeth Baxter, Karen Beck-Anderson, Richard Bett, Sara Bissell-Thomas, Rosalind Blachowska, Diana Boyd, Alison Bray, Alastair Bruton, Katharine Buckley, Hugh Bullock, Sarah Chambers, David Claridge, Penelope Cotton, Michael Coutts, Nigel Crawley, Jonathan Crow, Christopher de Lotbiniere, Sarah Deterding, Alice Dugdale, Charles Ellingworth, Ambrose Evan-Pritchard, Rupert Forbes-Adams (Deceased), Louise Goodison, Nicholas Hall *, Richard Hall, Nicholas Hamblen, William Hanham, Chantal Hauser, Catherine Henderson, Louisa Hutton, Mary-Clare Johnson, Ignacio Laporta, Anthea Leeds (Deceased), Iona Lindsay, Victoria Linklater, Emma Lloyd-Jones, Jacqueline McConnell, Nancy McConnell, Rosemary Moore, Peter Newby, Michael Orde, Alan Osband, Caroline Pease, Rosemary Reid, Frances Robatham, Lucy Ropner, Linda Sale, Hugh SavillHugo Smith, Serena Smith, Lucinda Smith, Laura Stephenson, Matthew Stonehouse (Deceased), Sophia Tate, James Tindley *, Beverly Tyrell, Anthony Verschoyle, Robin Weeks *, Julia Whiteley, Stephen Wright, Louise Yauner, Deborah Young.


Record of Past Programme
The Contemporary Europe Pre-University Course in Venice

February 3 – March 25
Director: John Hall

Venice. Pensione Atlantico
Florence. Pensione Centrale

Lectures: Museo Correr or Pensione

Lecturers and Syllabus

Sir Ashley Clarke
Restoration in Venice
Visit to a site

Maeve Denby B.A. Research Director for Department of the Environment, Parliamentary Candidate 1970, 1974
The Nature of Politics
What politics is about; political theory – does it relate to practice? The two-party system – is it the best? Individual political attitudes – what do they imply? Principle and practice – the dilemma; politics and education; politics and psychology; economic growth – the aim of all parties? International politics: Italy, Germany, and U.S.A.

Dottor Mario Greco Lecturer in Economics, University of Venice
The Italian Political System

Michael Healey M.A., Producer. BBC Television, previously Assistant Director, Playhouse Theatre, Oxford
Theatre Workshop
Palazzo Grassi Macbeth.

Doctor Bernard Hickey M.A. Professor of Commonwealth Literature, University of Venice

Peter Lauritzen B.A.
Byron’s Venice

Else Mayer-Lismann Hon. R.C.M., Official Lecturer for the Glyndebourne Festival, Artistic Director of the Mayer-Lismann Opera Workshop
The Art Of Opera
The birth of opera, with special reference to Venice; the conventions of opera and the position of the singer; opera and music drama; great operatic characters; W. A. Mozart – operatic composer “par excellence”; discussion of a Mozart opera; Verdi and Wagner; introduction to a Verdi opera; introduction to a Wagner opera.

Marilyn Perry M.A., M.Phil.

Professor Dott. Terisio Pignatti Professor of the History of Art, Venice University

Stella Rudolph B.A., Laurea, Lecturer in Art History, University of California Florence Program
A survey of Venetian painting and architecture: Venice
An introduction to the architecture; the Piazza; the Basilica; the Ducal Palace; the Scuole; the Bellini; Giorgione; Titian; Veronese; Palladio; Tiepolo and Longhi; Canaletto and the Guardi; Canova and Neo-Classicism.

Christina Thoresby
Some Aspects of Carpaccio’s Paintings
Lorenzo Lotto

Nicholas True B.A. John Whitgift Research Student in History, Peterhouse, Cambridge
Venice and Byzantium
The fall of the Roman Empire; Aquileia and Grado – the origins of Venice; the development of mosaics from Classical to Byzantine styles; Ravenna and its mosaics (visit); the growth of Venice 650 – 1050; mosaic art in Italy from the 7th century – Rome, Torcello, S.Marco; the development of the Venetian constitution; Venice as a Mediterranean power, 1050 to the 4th Crusade.

Norman Williams B.A., M.Ed. Principal Lecturer in Psychology, Bulmershe College of Higher Education
Psychology – An Introduction to the Scientific Study of Human Behaviour
This part of the course will be based on students’ participation in a series of workshop activities, supplemented by lectures, designed to provide insight into the approach of modern psychology to the explanation of human behaviour. Experimental work will be in the following fields; interpersonal relations; interaction analysis; conformity and leadership. The course will also include statistical analysis of psychological data.

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