The Course Register 1972
Bold Type indicates we believe to have an up-to-date postal address.* Asterisk indicates a son or daughter has also been on the Course.
George Agnew, Sophie Andreae, Michael Arditti, Nicholas Bacon *, Claire Barwell, Nicholas Boustead, Mary Butler *, Emma Cussans, Diane De Miramon, Jane Dennis, David Derrick, Katherine Ellingworth, Charles Elton, Joanna Fell, Simon Folkes, Michael Fox, Gillian Freedman, Jill Freeman, Gerard Gent, Theodora Hardy, Christopher Hartley, Judy Helsby, Clare Hemsley, Peter Hildick-Smith, Rowland Holmes-Smith, Anthony Jepson Turner, Richard Lazarus, Lucy McNair, Rebecca Mirkin, Adrian Morgan, Patrick Murray, Miriam Musgrave (Deceased), Peter Parker, Judith Paul, Alastair Poore, Alison Poyner, John Renner, Oliver Richards, Dione Smith, Alastair Streatfield, Christopher Tate, Camilla Toulmin, Sally Tyrrell, Colette Warner, Peter-John White, Anne Marie Wilkinson, Janet Williams, Alasdair Wilson, Richard Wintour, Ianthe Wright.
Record of Past Programme
The Contemporary Europe Pre-University Course in Venice
February 19 – April 6
Director: John Hall
Venice. Pensione alla Salute da Cici
Lectures: Georgio Cini Foundation, Museo Correr, Pensione Lecture Room
Lecturers and Syllabus
Maeve Denby B.A. Parliamentary Labour Candidate, Lecturer-Editor in Sociology, the Open University
British Politics in Theory and Practice
The nature of political activity; types of political ideology; political parties in Britain; party structure; application of ideologies to current political issues in Britain; extra-parliament activities – demonstrations, pressure groups; participation or apathy?
Doctor Bernard Hickey M.A. Lecturer in English, the University Institute of Language and Letters, Venice
Writers in Italy
Byron, Shelley, Ruskin, Browning.
Charles Hope M.A. (Courtauld Institute), Research Lecturer, Christ Church, Oxford
Art and Society in 16th century Venice
Giorgione and his followers; Titian and his patrons; Venice and the art of central Italy; two innovators, Pordenone and Lotto; the reaffirmation of the tradition – Tintoretto and Veronese.
Deborah Howard M.A. (Courtauld Institute)
Architecture and Society in Renaissance Venice
Piazza S. Marco as an expression of political pride; the Rialto market; confraternities and hospitals and the Venetian social conscience; status and function in patrician family palaces; the theatre and stage set design.
Peter Lauritzen B.A.
Sir Henry Wotton, James I’s Ambassador in Venice
Professor Dott. Terisio Pignatti Vice-Director of the Civic Museums of Venice, Professor of History of Art, University of Padua
A survey of Venetian architecture and of Venetian painting
From Ravenna mosaics to San Marco; trecento and early quattrocento; quattrocento – Mantegna, Carpaccio; the Bellini; cinquecento – Giorgione, Titian, Bassano, Tintoretto; seicento and early settecento – the baroque and rococo; settecento – Tiepolo and Longhi; landscape painting in the settecento – Canaletto, Guardi; Venice in settecento viewprints; architecture in Venice today.
Stella Rudolph B.A., Laurea, Personal Assistant to the Director of the Uffizi Gallery
Venetian Baroque Art
Visit to S. Nicolo da Tolentino; visit to S. Maria della Salute; visit to S. Maria del Giglio and S. Moise; visit to the Scalzi.
Beginnings of Rococo in Venice
Visit to the Gesuiti; visit to Scuola dei Carmini; visit to Ca’Rezzonico.
Peter Russell Poet
William Blake’s Condemnation of the great Venetian Painters
Problems of Poetry today
The Reverend Victor Stanley Chaplain to the English Church in Venice
Fr. Rolfe, Baron Corvo in Venice
Norman Williams B.A., M.Ed., Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Oxford Polytechnic
Personality – An introduction to Behavioural Science
The task of psychology; aims, approaches and methods; the nature of psychological explanation, models and constructs; personality: definitions, methods of research; typologies and dimensions of personality; dynamic models of personality; determinants and development; adjustment and maladjustment; other factors; intelligence, creativity, social class; morality and social adjustment; testing and assessment.
Theatre. In Palazzo Priuli: Two Gentlemen of Verona.